Bailleurs de fonds, réseaux et alliés

Nous avons organisé la communauté des organisations, toujours plus nombreuses, qui soutiennent les droits des travailleur·se·s du sexe et rédigé de petites introductions afin de renforcer le soutien au mouvement de défense des droits des travailleur·se·s du sexe.
Nous les avons classés par catégories (bailleurs de fonds, réseaux dirigés par des travailleur·se·s du sexe et organisations alliées) et avons créé des étiquettes pour les sujets clés qui recoupent notre travail.

Il y a plus de 100 organisations répertoriées, nous nous sommes appuyés sur des outils de traduction en ligne pour les rendre plus accessibles dans d’autres langues. Veuillez excuser toute erreur.

Alliance Magazine is a quarterly print magazine with an in-depth special feature dedicated to a key aspect of global philanthropy. « Essential reading for the global philanthropy sector with independent opinion, expert debate, and trusted insight. The only philanthropy magazine with a truly global focus, the latest 12 issues of Alliance are behind a paywall and are available only for subscribers, although selected articles are made freely available. The remainder of our archive is open to all visitors. »

« Amnesty International has grown from seeking the release of political prisoners to upholding the whole spectrum of human rights. Our work protects and empowers people – from abolishing the death penalty to protecting sexual and reproductive rights, and from combatting discrimination to defending refugees and migrants’ rights. We speak out for anyone and everyone whose freedom and dignity are under threat. »

AmplifyChange is a fund that supports civil society organisations (CSOs) who advocate for improved sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). AmplifyChange launched in 2014 as a project by a consortium consisting of MannionDaniels, African Women’s Development Fund and Global Fund for Women. Most of our grants (89%) are small grants to small groups, and we have other grant types available for them to form coalitions. The majority of our grants are based in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and our reach also extends to the Middle East and Latin America. We have identified 25 countries that are most off-track on the AmplifyChange priorities and we do not want these countries to be overlooked.

Ariadne (European Funders for Social Change and Human Rights) is a European peer-to-peer network of more than 600 funders and philanthropists who support social change and human rights. Ariadne helps those using private resources for public good achieve more together than they can alone by linking them to other funders and providing practical tools of support.

«Chaque année, des millions d’organismes à but non lucratif dépensent des milliards de dollars dans le monde. Candid découvre d’où vient cet argent, d’où il va et pourquoi c’est important. Grâce à la recherche, à la collaboration et à la formation, Candid relie les gens qui veulent changer le monde Aux ressources dont ils ont besoin pour le faire. Les outils de données de Candid sur les organisations à but non lucratif, les fondations et les subventions sont les plus complets au monde. Foundation Center (y compris Grantcraft) et Guidestar a unir ses forces pour devenir candide, une organisation à but non lucratif 501c3. « 

Count Me In ! (CMI !) est un partenaire stratégique du ministère des affaires étrangères des Pays-Bas. CMI ! est une initiative conjointe spéciale dirigée par Mama Cash, à laquelle participent l’Association pour les droits de la femme et le développement (AWID), CREA, Just Associates (JASS) et les fonds affiliés du Fonds d’action urgente (UAF) et du Fonds d’action urgente Afrique (UAF-Africa). Le Fonds Parapluie Rouge et la plateforme pour l’égalité des sexes WO=MEN sont des partenaires stratégiques du consortium.

DemandAT is an interdisciplinary project addressing the challenge of understanding demand for trafficking in human beings and analysing the policy and practical measures that can influence this demand. The project feeds into recent efforts of European countries to find ways to reduce demand for the products and services provided by trafficked persons within their own economies and societies as a means of tackling trafficking. The project investigates multiple forms of trafficking and forced labour to assess the impact and potential of demand-side measures to reduce trafficking. The DemandAT project brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts across seven European countries from 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2017.

EDGE Funders Alliance organizes within philanthropy to raise awareness and deepen understanding of the interconnected nature of the social, economic and ecological crises threatening our common future. EDGE works to increase resources for communities and movements creating systemic change alternatives for a transition to a society that supports justice, equity and the well-being of the planet. « We are a community of 320 donors, foundation officers, trustees and advisors in more than 30 countries countries, passionately engaged in local, national and international grantmaking within 103 diverse institutions with differing priorities and strategies, but a shared belief that equity and justice are critical to furthering sustainable, global well-being. »

« FIDA-Kenya is a premier women’s rights organization in Kenya that has offered free legal aid to over 3,000,000 women over the course of 35 years.

We are committed to creating a society that respects and upholds women’s rights with a mission to promote women’s individual and collective power to claim their rights in all spheres of life. FIDA-Kenya is a membership organization with over 1,400 women advocates and lawyers in Kenya.

We are an accredited institution and has observer status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR). The submission of periodic shadow reports to the international and human rights agencies continues to provide space for advocacy at a higher level. The adoption of the Resolution on Women’s Rights to Land and Productive Resources by the ACHPR, Litigation of Women Land Rights before the ACHPR are critical achievements made by regional advocacy efforts. »

« Funders for LGBTQ Issues works to increase the scale and impact of philanthropic resources aimed at enhancing the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promoting equity, and advancing racial, economic and gender justice.
Funders for LGBTQ Issues is a network of more than 75 foundations, corporations, and funding institutions that collectively award more than $1 billion annually, including approximately $100 million specifically devoted to LGBTQ issues. »

The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is an Alliance of  more than 80 non-governmental organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe, LAC and North America. “GAATW sees the phenomenon of human trafficking intrinsically embedded in the context of migration for the purpose of labour. GAATW therefore promotes and defends the human rights of all migrants and their families against the threat of an increasingly globalised labour market and calls for safety standards for migrant workers in the process of migration and in the formal and informal work sectors – garment and food processing, agriculture and farming, domestic work, sex work – where slavery-like conditions and practices exist.” 

Harm Reduction International is a leading NGO dedicated to reducing the negative health, social and legal impacts of drug use and drug policy. We promote the rights of people who use drugs and their communities through research and advocacy to help achieve a world where drug policies and laws contribute to healthier, safer societies. The organisation is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.