За 10 лет существования (мы открылись в 2012 году) фонд «Красный зонт» выдал 279 грантов 180 организациям в 68 странах. Каждый год мы публикуем на вебсайте список грантополучателей, включая в него те организации, которые об этом попросили. Если организация пожелала остаться анонимной, сведения о ней и стране, где она работает, огласке не предаются. Если вы хотели бы обратиться в любую организацию, которая получала у нас гранты, или обсудить ее работу, свяжитесь с нами.
В 2022 году КГП фонда «Красный зонт» раздал гранты на 1 300 000 евро, и это первый раз, когда мы раздали более миллиона евро за год. В результате, общая сумма средств, которую мы пожертвовали самоорганизациям секс-работников за все время своей работы, составила 7 886 500.
Созданная в 2015 году, организация «Женщины против всех форм дискриминации» — это национальная организация, членами которой являются физические лица. У нее есть отделения во всех десяти провинциях Зимбабве. На средства этого и других грантов организация продолжит искать подход к заинтересованным субъектам в стране, раздавать прокладки и отмечать Международный женский день и памятные даты международного движения секс-работников.
«Махила Сахаойги Самуха» была создана в 2008 с целью откликнуться на запросы секс-работниц в восточной части Непала. На данный момент организация насчитывает свыше 500 членов, занимается развитием знаний секс-работников о правах человека и стремится положить конец стигме и насилию при помощи защиты интересов, создания альянсов и мобилизации сообщества.
This national sex workers’ collective works to improve sex workers’ access to HIV and increase recognition of their human rights, including the right to fair working conditions, and freedom from violence and police harassment. $TK represents sex workers of all genders in government decision-making spaces and civil society, particularly with regard to HIV.
Action Humanitaire pour la Sante et le Developpement (AHUSADEC)
Republic of the Congo
Бюкаву филиал Ahusadec-это группа, возглавляемая секс-работником, которая работает в провинции Киву. Он предоставляет безопасное место для секс -работников, где он предлагает медицинскую информацию и документирует случаи насилия, которые он приносит полиции и суду. Благодаря радиопостановлениям группа стремится продвигать свою работу и рассказать общественности о правах человека.
This organisation aims to increase social acceptance for men and transwomen sex workers and to secure their fundamental rights as citizens of India. Adarsha works primarily at the local level and contributes to national and international advocacy efforts. The group supports sex workers to access health and general social services through peer outreach work and referrals and builds sex workers’ leadership skills.
This community-led organisation of male and trans* sex workers supports sex workers to access health services, social housing schemes, an identity card and other social services. The group mobilizes sex workers and allies to improve laws, policies and practices around sex work, homosexuality, and gender identity.
Established less than three years ago in 2009, this organization advocates for the rights of sex workers who are men and trans, working to reduce stigma and building alliances with human rights organisations. Adarsha supports sex workers to access health care and other social services.
This organisation works to increase social acceptance for men and transwomen sex workers in India, and to secure their fundamental rights as citizens. Adarsha is active at the local level in Mysore and other districts in the state of Karnataka, and contributes to national advocacy efforts. The group supports sex workers to access health and general social services through peer outreach work and referrals, and builds sex workers’ leadership skills. Adarsha mobilises sex workers and allies to improve laws, policies and practices around sex work, homosexuality and gender identity.
Advocacy Normalizing Sex Work through Education and Resources (ANSWERS)
ANSWERS envisions a community of sex workers that is fully integrated, accepted, and safe so that they can enjoy equal opportunities within Canadian society. To achieve their mission, ANSWERS supports sex workers and their rights through outreach, education, and support services while working to end violence and stigma towards sex workers.
This sex worker-led African regional network was created in 2009 and is based in Nairobi, Kenya. The Africa Sex Worker Alliance (ASWA) has sex worker-led organisations as members in 35 African countries. The network amplifies the voices of their sex worker members and advocates for the health and human rights of the diverse community of sex workers working and living in Africa. ASWA intends to use its grant to continue its advocacy in the region and continue to strengthen itself as a network.
Created in 2009, this regional network based in Kenya unites 100 sex worker groups from 33 countries in Africa and aims to expand its membership to include all countries of the continent. ASWA provides strategic advice, networking opportunities, capacity-building tools and financial support to local groups that work to improve sex workers’ access to health services and labour rights. Its membership includes sex workers of all genders. ASWA represents the interests of sex workers in regional and international debates and platforms.
This regional network unites sex worker groups from 11 countries and seeks to expand its membership to include all countries on the African continent. It provides strategic advice, networking opportunities, capacity-building tools and financial support to local sex workers’ groups that work to improve their access to health services and labour rights. Its membership includes groups working with women, men and trans sex workers. ASWA represents sex workers’ interest in regional and international processes and platforms.
This sex worker-led African regional network was created in 2009 and is based in Nairobi, Kenya. The Africa Sex Worker Alliance (ASWA) has more than 70 sex worker-led organisations as members in 33 African countries. The network amplifies the voices of their sex worker members and advocates for the health and human rights of the diverse community of sex workers working and living in Africa. ASWA intends to use its grant to create a capacity scan to be used in modelling future trainings for sex worker-led organisations in 5 African countries.
Created in 2009, this regional network unites 75 sex worker groups from 28 countries and aims to expand its membership to include all countries in Africa. It provides strategic advice, networking opportunities, capacity-building tools and financial support to local groups that work to improve sex workers’ access to health services and labour rights. Its membership includes sex workers of all genders. ASWA represents sex workers’ interest in regional and international processes and platforms.
This association of sex workers mainly operates in Douala, Cameroon’s main industrial and harbor city. The group provides health and HIV information and services to sex workers of all genders. Aids Acodev reaches out to potential allies and the media to bring attention to the stigma, discrimination, and rights violations that sex workers face.
This group provides health and HIV services to sex workers of all genders. Alcondoms organises workshops for law enforcement, health care providers and others to promote respect for sex workers’ rights, and to address stigma and violence. The Red Umbrella Fund grant will enable the group to develop advocacy material such as a documentary about the experiences of sex workers in Cameroon.
Alcondoms was established in 2012 in response to the harmful legal and policy environment for sex workers in Cameroon. This sex worker-led group promotes the human and labour rights of sex workers and works to increase sex workers’ access to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, STI and tuberculosis screening, and counselling services. Alcondoms is located in the outskirts of Douala and directly serves the high concentration of sex workers in the area, which are often not reached by other local and national service providers.
Founded in 2017, this self-led group in Mexico City unites diverse women sex workers, including trans women and women working on the streets, in their fight against stigma and discrimination and for the recognition of sex work as work. With this grant, AMETS is organising workshops for sex workers on human rights, public health from a political perspective, access to justice and safety, and leadership. The groups distributes condoms and conducts peer outreach to promote HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health and rights among sex workers.
Alianza por el trabajo sexual defines its role in El Salvador as «working actively in the action for the defense of the rights of women sex workers, through the unification of the sector.» With this first grant from Red Umbrella Fund, the organisation aims to organise a variety of events, trainings, meetings and campaigns in line with this work. In the country, sex work is technically legal but municipal authorities create administrative offences making sex work more isolated and dangerous.
AMMAR Asociación de Mujeres Meretrices de la República Argentina
AMMAR’s mission is to defend the human, social and labour rights of sex workers in Argentina. With a national reach of around 10,000 sex workers, the organisation is present in 14 provinces of the country through 18 branches in different locations all of which are run by sex workers. With this third grant from Red Umbrella Fund, the organisation aims to provide food, medication, legal services and to implement workshops and visibility activities during the women’s march and cover some of its core costs.
AMMAR Córdoba (Associación de Mujeres Meretrices de Argentina delegación Córdoba)
Local, Subnational
This provincial level network of female and transgender sex workers combines community services tailored to the needs of sex workers (like a nursery, literacy courses, litigation) with political activism. They are a driving force behind a nation-wide campaign for the regulation of sex work in Argentina. Their sex worker friendly clinic provides comprehensive health services including condom distribution and HIV testing.
AMMAR Córdoba (Associación de Mujeres Meretrices de Argentina delegación Córdoba)
Led by women sex workers, this is a network in the province of Córdoba that combines community services for sex workers — like offering daycare, literacy courses, and health services — with political activism, such as advocating for the protection of sex workers’ labour rights and for the legal recognition of sex work as work.
AMMAR Córdoba (Associación de Mujeres Meretrices de Argentina delegación Córdoba)
Local, Subnational
This group of women sex workers functions as a labour union for sex workers in the province of Cordoba in Argentina. AMMAR Córdoba advocates for the labour rights of all sex workers by networking and lobbying with local authorities and other government departments. The group combines political activism with providing tailored services to different groups of sex workers ranging from social support and sex worker friendly health services to economic empowerment or artistic expression workshops. The group engages with academia and recently published a book on sex work in Argentina.
And Soppeku (meaning «together for a change in behaviour») is a ten-year-old sex worker organisation that aims to improve sex workers’ knowledge of their rights and achieve legal reform in Senegal to ensure that sex work is respected as work. And Soppeku provides leadership training for sex workers and engages in advocacy with parliamentarians and other politicians. The group is comprised of women sex workers who live and work in the suburbs of Dakar and in the regions of Thies, Kaolack and Sédhiou.