


Each year, Red Umbrella Fund launches a public Call for Applications, inviting sex worker-led organisations to send in their requests for funding.

Summary of the selection process:

  • Call for Applications

    Red Umbrella Fund publishes a Call for Applications on its website and social media pages, inviting sex worker-led groups and networks to fill in a brief application form to request funding to support their work

  • Initial Screening

    Following the Call for Applications, Red Umbrella Fund staff does the initial screening ofthe applications based on eligibility (the criteria) and references.

  • PAC

    The Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) – which is Red Umbrella Fund’s peer review panel led by sex workers from across the world – reads all the eligible applications and makes a selection of groups to be prioritised for funding by Red Umbrella Fund.

  • ISC Approves Selection

    After the International Steering Committee (ISC), again with a majority of sex workers in its membership, approves the final selection the groups are contacted.

  • ISC Approves Selection

    Groups that have made it to the final selection will be requested to develop a more detailed budget and work plan that fits the respective grant size and grant timeline.

We make effort to provide individualised responses to applicants that were considered eligible but that were not selected for funding.