When you submit the online application you will see a confirmation screen and you will receive an automatic confirmation by e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, we have not received your application. We encourage you to save a draft of your application. In the online system, you may save a PDF version or print your application using “Print this page” located at the bottom of the confirmation page before you hit “Submit”.

After the application window closes, an international sex worker-led committee (Programme Advisory Committee, or PAC) will review the applications and select the new grants.

You will be contacted by e-mail to inform you of the final selection by November.

More details here and in the Application Guidelines.

June – September: Applications are screened by staff using criteria and references
August – October: Applications are peer-reviewed by the sex worker-led Program Advisory Committee (PAC) using the criteria and priorities mentioned above
October: Final selection is made by the PAC using also the funding (restrictions) available and considering geographic and gender diversity
October: Grants selection is approved by the sex worker-led International Steering Committee (ISC)
26 October – 1 November: All applicants are informed of the final selection.
15 December All new grant contracts are made.